I’m Ogie, the creator of Striving Potato. An academician by the day, INTP always. I strive to empower people who feel like potatoes to start living life on their terms, move out of their comfort zone, and mindfully set a healthy system that works.


If you ever thought about how you are tired of being couch potatoes and feel like it is time to make some change but not sure how to do it, you are in the right place.

Welcome to striving potato!

A go-to place to take control over your life, rediscover passion and learn from a community of like-minded potatoes 

This site has 3 steps approach to helping you

The mindset shift: “Self -growth’’ – Collection of articles on habits, productivity and self-care and finding the balance between these 3

Tools: This is a tutorial on how to use Journaling and bullet journals, to help organize life and thoughts.

Passion project: Curated List of ideas to help you re-discover what you are passionate about and turn it into a side hustle

How this site will help you?

It’s hella cringe, but the core concept of this site is “ How we can live our best life without feeling overwhelmed? “

In simpler terms getting from the point, you are now to the point you want to be

This little corner of the internet will help you with

  • Work on the projects you are passionate about
  • Help you find a creative outlet from the mundane job you have
  • Find balance in life through healthy productivity and self-care
  • Help you figure out your hidden skills that can be monetize 
  • Use journaling as a tool for improvement
  • Learn in-demand skills
  • Learn study skills

Most of all, I write from the beginner’s perspective and will document the journey along the way.

Not sure where to start? Here is some of the best articles

Self Growth 

Want to know the tools that might help the process? 

Ready to take action? Head on to passion project ideas

Who’s behind the scene?

Hi I’m Ogie Adam, the writer behind strivingpotato.com. I’m an academician by the day, and a writer, always. I have a medical degree and discover my love to write while doing a PhD.

I enjoy reading memes, watching The Office bloopers and doodling in my past time.

Now live with my husband, son and 2 cats with no impressive skills.


Book: Atomic Habit

Quotes: Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you’ll be able to see farther. – J. P. Morgan