Big Cartel vs Etsy: Choosing the Right Platform for Your Online Store

Are you an artist, creator, or entrepreneur looking to establish an online store (Big Cartel vs Etsy) to sell your products? Big Cartel and Etsy are two popular platforms that offer a range of features and services to help you showcase and sell your goods. In this blog post, we will compare Big Cartel and Etsy to help you make an informed decision about which platform suits your needs.

From customization options and pricing structures to community engagement and marketing opportunities, we’ll explore the similarities and differences between these platforms.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clear understanding of the strengths and limitations of Big Cartel and Etsy, enabling you to choose the best platform to support your online store and reach your target audience.

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Big Cartel vs Etsy

For you who are short on time here are the main differences between Big Cartel vs Etsy

  1. Pricing Structure: One significant difference is the pricing structure. Big Cartel offers a range of pricing plans, including a free option with limited features and a limited number of products. In contrast, Etsy charges listing fees and transaction fees for each sale made on the platform.
  2. Marketplace vs. Independent Store: Etsy functions as a marketplace, where sellers list their products among millions of other items. In comparison, Big Cartel focuses on independent stores, providing sellers with their own dedicated storefronts.
  3. Scale: Etsy is a much larger platform with millions of active buyers, which can potentially provide greater exposure and sales opportunities. Big Cartel, on the other hand, is smaller and caters to a niche audience.
  4. Features and Tools: Big Cartel offers a simpler set of features and tools compared to Etsy, which has a wider range of functionalities like inventory management, marketing tools, and analytics. However, Big Cartel’s simplicity can be an advantage for users who prefer a straightforward selling experience.
  5. Branding and Customization: Big Cartel allows sellers to customize their storefronts to a certain extent, but Etsy offers more extensive branding opportunities, including the ability to add a banner, logo, and shop sections.

Keep on reading to understand the core features, pros and cons, pricing fees and the userbase for each platform; Etsy vs Big Cartel and what are the similarities.

By understanding how each platform work, you can decide what is best for your business journey


Big Cartel is an e-commerce platform that enables artists, designers, and creators to set up and manage their online stores. It provides a user-friendly interface and tools to help individuals sell their products to a global customer base.

Core features of Big Cartel

  1. Store Setup: Big Cartel provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to set up and customize your online store. You can choose from various themes, personalize your branding, and organize your products.
  2. Product Management: You can easily add and manage your products on Big Cartel. It allows you to set pricing, inventory levels, and product variants, and apply discounts if needed.
  3. Order Management: Big Cartel offers tools to manage your orders efficiently. You can track orders, process payments, and generate shipping labels. It also provides integration options with shipping carriers.
  4. Customization: Big Cartel allows you to personalize your storefront and create a unique brand identity. You can customize the appearance of your store with themes, colors, fonts, and images. This flexibility helps artists and creators showcase their unique style.
  5. Mobile App: Big Cartel provides a mobile app that allows you to manage your store on the go. You can track sales, communicate with customers, and handle order management tasks directly from your mobile device.

Big Cartel User Base

Big Cartel primarily targets independent artists, creators, and entrepreneurs. It caters to individuals who want to sell handmade, unique, and creative products online. The platform has built a community around this niche audience, connecting sellers with potential customers who appreciate and seek out these types of products.

Benefits of Big Cartel to Artists, Creators, and Entrepreneurs:

  1. Ease of Use: Big Cartel offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of setting up and managing an online store. It allows artists and creators to focus on their craft rather than spending excessive time on technical aspects.
  2. Customization: Big Cartel enables sellers to personalize their storefronts, helping them showcase their unique style and brand identity. This level of customization is beneficial for artists and creators who want to express their artistic vision.
  3. Niche Audience: Big Cartel’s focus on independent artists and creators attracts a specific audience interested in handmade and unique products. This targeted user base increases the chances of connecting with customers who appreciate and are willing to support artistic endeavors.
  4. Pricing Options: Big Cartel offers a range of pricing plans, including a free option with limited features. This flexibility allows artists and creators with varying budgets to choose a plan that suits their needs.
  5. Community and Support: Big Cartel fosters a community of artists, creators, and entrepreneurs. They provide resources, tips, and support to help sellers succeed in their online businesses. This community aspect can be beneficial for networking and learning from like-minded individuals.

Overall, Big Cartel offers a platform tailored to the needs of artists, creators, and entrepreneurs. It provides the necessary features, customization options, and community support to help them showcase and sell their unique products to a targeted audience.

Is Big Cartel the right choice for your product?

Pros of Big CartelCons of Big Cartel
Easy to Use: Big Cartel offers a straightforward and intuitive interface, making it accessible for users with limited technical expertise.

Limited Features: Compared to larger e-commerce platforms, Big Cartel offers a more streamlined set of features. It may lack some advanced functionalities like comprehensive inventory management or built-in marketing tools.
Niche Focus: Big Cartel caters specifically to artists and creators, creating a community and potential customer base with a shared interest in unique and handmade products.
Scalability: Big Cartel is designed for small-scale businesses and independent artists, which may limit the growth potential for sellers who want to expand their operations significantly.
Customization: While not as extensive as some other platforms, Big Cartel allows sellers to personalize their storefronts by selecting themes, colors, fonts, and adding their branding elements.
Marketing and Exposure: While Big Cartel provides some basic marketing tools, sellers are primarily responsible for driving traffic to their stores. It may require additional effort to generate exposure and reach a broader audience.
Pricing Options: Big Cartel offers a range of pricing plans, including a free option with limited features, allowing sellers to choose a plan that aligns with their budget and needs.
Integration Options: Big Cartel has limited integrations with third-party services, which could restrict the ability to connect with other tools and services you may be using for your business.
Mobile App: Big Cartel provides a mobile app that allows sellers to manage their store, track orders, and communicate with customers on the go.

Big Cartel Fees

Big Cartel offers several pricing plans to choose from:

  1. Free Plan: The free plan allows users to list up to 5 products and provides basic features. However, it does not include advanced features like inventory tracking or discount code creation.
  2. Paid Plans: Big Cartel offers paid plans starting at $9.99 per month, which provide additional features and allow for a higher number of products to be listed. The pricing increases based on the number of products you want to sell, with higher tiers offering more features and product listings.


Etsy is an e-commerce platform that focuses on handmade, vintage, and unique products. It provides a marketplace where independent sellers can set up their online shops and reach a large customer base.

Etsy is one of the platforms widely used to earn passively by selling digital products.

Core features of Etsy

  1. Shop Setup: Etsy provides a platform where artists, creators, and entrepreneurs can set up their online shops with ease. You can create a shop name, add product listings, set prices, and customize your shop’s appearance.
  2. Product Listings: You can showcase and sell your handmade, vintage, and unique products on Etsy. It offers tools to create attractive product listings, including descriptions, multiple photos, and customization options.
  3. Order Management: Etsy provides features to help manage orders efficiently. You can track orders, communicate with customers, print shipping labels, and update order status.
  4. Customization: Etsy allows you to personalize your shop’s branding and appearance. You can upload a shop banner, logo, and choose from various shop sections to organize your products.
  5. Marketing and Promotion: Etsy offers built-in marketing and promotion tools to help you reach a wider audience. You can create promotional campaigns, participate in sales events, and use SEO optimization to improve your shop’s visibility.

User Base for Etsy

Etsy has a large user base consisting of millions of buyers and sellers worldwide. It attracts a diverse audience interested in handmade, vintage, and unique products. This user base provides artists, creators, and entrepreneurs with a broad reach and exposure to potential customers.

Benefits of Etsy

  1. Established Marketplace: Etsy is a well-known and trusted marketplace for handmade and unique products. It’s reputation and large user base can increase brand visibility and attract customers who specifically seek out these types of products.
  2. Product Categories: Etsy offers a wide range of product categories, allowing artists, creators, and entrepreneurs to showcase their unique creations to a targeted audience. The diverse product selection attracts buyers with varying interests and preferences.
  3. Advanced Features and Tools: Etsy provides robust features and tools to help sellers manage their shops effectively. This includes inventory management, analytics, marketing options, and customer support. These tools enable sellers to streamline their operations and make data-driven decisions.
  4. Community and Support: Etsy fosters a community of sellers and provides resources, forums, and educational material to support artists, creators, and entrepreneurs. The community aspect allows for networking, sharing experiences, and learning from fellow sellers.
  5. Built-in Traffic and Exposure: Etsy already attracts a significant amount of traffic, reducing the need for extensive marketing efforts to drive visitors to your shop. The platform’s popularity and search functionality help potential customers discover your products.

Is Etsy the right choice for your product?

Pros of EtsyCons of Etsy
Large Marketplace: Etsy is one of the most popular and recognized marketplaces for handmade, vintage, and unique products. It attracts a vast customer base, increasing the potential for exposure and sales.
Fees: Etsy charges several types of fees. These include listing fees for each product, transaction fees on each sale, and payment processing fees. These fees can impact your profitability and should be considered when pricing your products.
Product Categories: Etsy offers a wide range of product categories, catering to diverse interests and attracting customers looking for specific handmade or vintage items.
Competition: Due to its popularity, Etsy has a large number of sellers, resulting in increased competition within product categories. Standing out from the competition can be challenging.
Advanced Features: Etsy provides sellers with a variety of features and tools, including inventory management, analytics, marketing options, and customer support.
Limited Control: As a seller on Etsy, you have less control over the overall shopping experience and customer interactions compared to having your independent store. The platform sets certain policies and guidelines that you must follow.
Branding and Customization: Sellers can extensively customize their shops on Etsy, adding banners, logos, shop sections, and more to create a unique brand identity.
Built-in Traffic: Etsy already attracts a significant amount of traffic, meaning you have access to potential customers without the need for extensive marketing efforts.

Etsy Fees

  1. Listing Fee: For each product you list on Etsy, you are charged a listing fee of a few cents. Listings are active for a period of four months or until the item is sold.
  2. Transaction Fee: When you make a sale on Etsy, a transaction fee is applied to the sale amount. This fee covers the use of Etsy’s platform and tools.
  3. Payment Processing Fee: If you use Etsy’s integrated payment processing system, there is a fee for each transaction to cover the cost of processing payments.

Additionally, Etsy offers additional optional features and services that may have associated fees, such as promoted listings and Etsy Plus subscriptions for enhanced shop customization.

For brand new shop, Etsy offers free listing:  FREE ETSY LISTINGS that makes you eligible to get not 1 or 2 but 40 listings. 40!

This means you can list 40 products in your brand-new shop. What you have to do is just click on this ‘free Etsy listings’ link to get it for free. Just make sure you use this link or you might not get the free access. 

Similarities Between Big Cartel vs Etsy

  1. Target Audience: Both Big Cartel and Etsy primarily target independent artists, designers, and creators who want to sell handmade or unique products.
  2. Product Categories: Both platforms offer a wide range of product categories, including art, jewellery, clothing, accessories, home decor, and more.
  3. Online Presence: Sellers on both platforms can establish an online presence and sell their products to a global customer base.
  4. Ease of Use: Both Big Cartel and Etsy provide user-friendly interfaces and tools that simplify the process of setting up and managing an online store.
  5. Customization: Sellers on both platforms can personalize their store’s appearance by choosing themes, colors, fonts, and adding their branding elements.

In summary, both Big Cartel and Etsy are e-commerce platforms that serve artists and creators. Still, they differ in terms of pricing structure, scale, marketplace versus independent store model, features, and customization options. Choosing between the two platforms depends on your specific needs, preferences, and the level of exposure you desire for your products.

Big Cartel vs Etsy: Considering Your Store’s Needs and Goals

Assess your store’s needs and goals to determine which platform aligns best with your business. Consider factors such as the size and scale of your business, budget and cost considerations, target audience and market reach, and branding and design flexibility.


Choosing the right platform for your online store is essential for your success as an artist, creator, or entrepreneur. By considering the similarities and differences between Big Cartel vs Etsy, as well as evaluating your store’s needs and goals, you can make an informed decision.

Whether you choose Big Cartel vs Etsy, both platforms offer valuable tools and services to help you showcase and sell your products. Embrace the platform that aligns best with your vision, business requirements, and target audience, and enjoy the journey of building a successful online store.

Big Cartel vs Etsy