29 Tips On How To Increase Sales On Etsy

Are you wondering how to increase Etsy sales and ready to make REAL money this time?

Then, you are in the right place.

Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links. I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links at no cost to you.


Etsy is one of the most visited platforms on the internet, worldwide. If you already have an Etsy store or are about to sell your good product on Etsy, you should have the right approach to boost your profile and sale. Because if not, you will not make it to compete with 7.5M sellers on the platform. 7.5 Million!

So, in this article, I  have separated the topic into 5 different categories so that you can apply the tips based on your current need


1. ETSY SEO: Better Etsy Search

Research is key. 

Don’t just jump into Etsy without doing any research on the platform. You need to know how well the product that you are about to create on Etsy.

Visibility is important especially if it’s a new Etsy shop. You need to know what is the search term that fits the Etsy algorithm. 

How to do this? Using the right keywords

Just think about how you want to do your online shopping. What are the terms you use to search for the product? How do you search for them?

Similarly, that is how you do to find the right keywords used by your potential customer.

Be SPECIFIC. Use a long-tailed keyword.

If you search PLANNER as your keyword, you will come across thousands of listing on Etsy. Make it long-tailed by specifically tailoring your product to that ONE person.

So instead of a planner, your keyword might be Planner for busy ADHD mom.

Mastering the art of doing SEO on Etsy, will boost your sales in no time. 

2. Analyse the competition to increase Etsy sales

With 75M active sellers, competition is inevitable. Analyzing your competition is another tip to boost your profile and sale.

Look at the top seller in your niche, the products they have created, how they do their listing, how frequently they upload the listing, how they communicate with customers, how they do their shipping– All of these, YOU HAVE TO DO BETTER

Especially if you own a brand-new shop. It is difficult to stand out and compete with those Etsy Top sellers if you have an average product with average customer service.

The customer won’t care if you are new and just learning about Etsy. What they want is a good product that serves them. That’s it.

If you can’t produce something similar or better than your competitor, chances are you won’t make any sales on Etsy.

Another thing is to find the gap

A gap is something that your customer wanted, which is not available on Etsy. This is the GOLDEN TICKET on Etsy.

This brings me to my next point,

3. Produce new and unique product

By creating a new and unique product, the chances of increasing Etsy sales are high.

People want something unique, and that’s why they come to Etsy.

If your product is in a saturated niche, try to find a unique point that makes your shop STAND OUT. And possibly something that is not done yet by your competitor.

Be creative and find how to add a unique twist-it can be your packaging, your color scheme, the illustration, or it’s environmentally friendly..

The possibilities are endless.

Tip: Go to quora, Reddit, or any forum platform where your potential customer usually hang out to discuss, and find out their problem. Create a product that gives a solution to their problem

Discussion forums are gold mines for Etsy seller

4. Produce trending products to boost the Etsy sales

Create a seasonal, in-trend product for an immediate boost of Etsy sales.

Find out what is the most searched topic at the moment. It can be a movie, series, or even a sports event. 

Include the ‘in’ element of your product for an immediate boost of search which could be translated to sales.

5. Evergreen product

Mixed the in-trend with some evergreen products in your Etsy store so you will get constant sales throughout the year.

This product should be the staple product in your store and should be of high quality.

Product creation

6. High-quality product.

You can have only 2 listings but if it’s high quality, people will still buy it. Do not upload your listing just for the sake of it. 

As every product has a listing fee, create a quality product that your customer can’t resist.

If you are new, focus on creating ONE good, HIGH-quality product rather than multiple low-quality products.

This Etsy store has only 2 PRODUCTS but is making thousands of sales, it’s CRAZY!

7. Produce more products to increase Etsy sales.

For season Etsy sellers, one way to increase Etsy sales is by producing more products. By having more options, you increase the chances of them getting purchased.

But don’t compromise on the quality.

The more product created to offer customers more options. If the product is not good, there is no point in creating thousands of it as people still won’t buy it.

Increase the product over time

Tips: If you have the budget, you can use Fiver or Upwork to help you develop your product (For Digital Products) if you want to scale up your business Etsy faster

Listing your product on Etsy

8. Product description

Write a product description that makes people want to buy it.

Remember the last time you purchase an item. Especially the expensive one, you will read the detail of the product first before you go to the store to buy it right?

So writing a good product descriptions is one way to increase your Etsy sales

If the description written as “buy this water bottle”-sounds interesting?

Hm I don’t think so

What if you emphasize its selling point such as its gripping ability so it won’t slip as you hold it? Or maybe a sleek design that fits any gym bag

Sounds better right?

Focus on the unique selling point

Short. Concise. Straight to the point.

Did you read my last sentence fully? Most likely yes. Because I have break it down into shorter, one-word sentence

Similarly, when you write the listing put the important features at the beginning and avoid long sentences.

9. Eye-catching product photos

This goes without saying. Anything that you are going to sell ONLINE needs to have a good eye-catching photo

Feast with your eyes.

Good tips on photos to boost your Etsy sales:

  • Take a different angle at your product
  • Put an everyday object on the side for size comparison
  • Take picture of you holding the product-good to show the product dimension
  • The vibe of the product should match the product

10. Compliment photos with video

This is one of the things that differentiate average and top sellers on Etsy

The top seller gives SO MUCH info about the product which includes a video of it. That it makes us feel sort of obligated to buy it.

Especially if your product requires step by step explanation of how the product works, video is essential

However, Etsy has a certain guideline that you need to follow in regard to video.  It should be without audio and last within 15 seconds. 

11. Title and tags

Etsy have a specific guideline on how to write tags and title to make your listing visible upon search

Use the SEO-optimized title and tags as you did at the initial part of product creation.

Or, use the Etsy search bar and see what the suggested word that people use to search for the item

Make it specific, straight to the point and use the longtail keyword

12. Competitive pricing

Do your homework and compare the price with your competitor. See how much they offer for the same product.

Based on the quality and how much time and energy are required to create your product, find the sweet spot of the product worth

Not too low-people might think it’s low quality or too good to be true. And you won’t get the profit

Not too high in this economy, people will think twice to purchase any item

Tip: If you are just about to start your Etsy store, you can offer a lower price for your products. Once you get the traction, you can increase the spec or quality and offer a better price.

13. Overall shop appearance: about, announcement & Policies

Imagine going to an empty store selling 3-4 items. You have no idea what the store is about, whether they are active or not, and what is the return policy if you are not satisfied with the product.

Will you buy anything from that store?

No, because it seems too dodgy

Make sure your overall shop ‘appearance‘- About the shop, announcement and policies have been filled. You can follow the Etsy guideline on how to add the about section to your shop

Sales & Marketing

14. Free product-gift/freebies

If you have multiple products or are about to launch a new one, give a free sample or free gift for every purchase. 

This is not a must, but increases the likelihood of repurchasing from the customer

15. Free shipping

Did you know, Etsy’s algorithm prioritizes those with free shipping?

Use this advantage to boost your appearance and Etsy sales.

As a customer, we are also drawn to the free shipping option despite if we calculate the total price + the shipping fee, the price is more or less the same, right?

That’s the power of the word FREE

Psychologically, it makes it seems like a good deal.

But, as a seller, make sure you absorb the cost of the shipping fee in your product

16. Promotes on social media

Don’t just depends on the Etsy algorithm but ACTIVELY promote your product on social media.

You can create an Instagram or TikTok related to the product and give a promotion to your follower.

If you are just about to start, you can announce in your private account to your friends and family

Friends and family purchases could help boost the first few of your Etsy sales

17. Influencer influence

Influencer gonna influence

If you have a product, especially in the fashion niche that needs to be in trend, getting help from an influencer might be one way to increase your Etsy sales.

Based on the follower number, their rates are varied. But if you feel like its time for you to up the game of your Etsy business, having an influencer to promote your product might be one of it.

18. Urgency in sales




See the urgency?

And if people still contemplating purchasing, they will most likely purchase the item due to urgency. The feeling of not wanting to lose a good deal.

Especially those who have put the item in the cart. They just need a little nudge

19. Limited edition of best-selling product

Go to your listing and find the best-selling product. Try to create something very unique that can make it irresistible for your customer and make it a limited edition

A same concept like urgency, people like to feel special.

When they know only a FEW people going to have it and it’s only for LIMITED time (urgency), they will find the offer, fantastic

20. Create bundle deals

People love bundles. Who doesn’t? It’s like a great deal!

And what is good for you is, you can offer different products in ONE purchase item. You increase the exposure of the product that people won’t likely purchase as a single item.

21. Consider removing no sale product or improving the listing

Recheck your listing and see if there is any product that has been in the listing for quite some time but doesn’t give any sales

Analyze why is it happening. Is it not good enough? or unclear the product description? or is it because of the wrong title and tag?

 improvise if possible

If not possible, consider removing the product from the listing.

Since listing will cost you money, try to cut short the losses

It’s all part of the business.

You win some, you lose some

22. Focus on branding

Create a branding that goes well with your product. By having a brand, it creates an identity specific to your shop.

How to do this?

  • Personalizes order with packaging insert and Thank You card (make them feel appreciated)
  • Have a standard format or your listing description and picture so customers know it is from the same shop

23. User-generated content

Create content by your customer review to get more organic and authentic feedback. It can be in a form of them posing with your product or sending feedback on your product. 

You can repurpose these as content for your product

Why does this is serves as a great way to increase your Etsy sales?

  1. Build trust with a potential customer. 
  2. Show your product is good that the customer shared them in their socials (ask permission to repost)
  3. Build a connection with existing customers (They will most likely purchase from your store again)

24. Consider Etsy ads

If you are a seasoned Etsy seller and make decent sales and now you want to boost your Etsy sales, consider using the ETSY ADS.

As it requires extra investment, I do not suggest Etsy ads for brand-new stores. Try to minimize the cost at the beginning of the business

Customer relation

25. Create an email list To increase Etsy sales

Create an email list and start building your community or your own tribe. 

What to offer in the email list includes

  • Upcoming sales in your shop
  • New product launch with a special price for the email subscriber
  • Getting ideas on the next product ( Honestly, sometimes customers have the best idea we can’t think of!)

However, Etsy didn’t have a direct newsletter service, so you have to use other platforms for your newsletter. There are quite a few FREE options (for a certain number of subscribers of course)

  • Substack
  • Mailchimp
  • Convertkit

This is an example of a newsletter that I created to promote my Etsy shop

26. Interested shoppers at FB group, quora etc

Forum is one of the most overlooked parts of the Etsy business

Lurk into the forum related to the product and try to answer the query and offer the solution (your products)

You can find what is the issue they are facing and create the product desired. 

27. Be active in giving & receiving feedback

If there’s one thing that customer loves (aside from a good product) is definitely GOOD CUSTOMER service.

This means, before, during and after receiving their purchase, BE ACTIVE to make sure you are attentive to their needs

The view is the journey or experience of purchasing your product.

Ask (nicely) for feedback and their experience of using your product once they received their item.

Be active on the platform to read any question/ query and answer professionally to each of them.

Tip: Put together a comprehensive FAQ section to help the new customer navigate the product or your shop.

28. Coupon code for regular customer

Got a repurchase from a customer? Why don’t offer them a coupon code to boost your Etsy sales?

Coupon codes give a sense of belonging and attract them to repurchase from your store

29. Earn a star seller badge 

Notice how we tend to trust and purchase from Star Seller compare to the normal seller selling the same item?

Well, it is because we are convinced that they deliver the BEST item

So by aiming to be one of the STAR SELLER will definitely help boost Etsy sales. 

By being the start seller also help you stand out from the crown and Etsy will offer you more chances to be featured!

How to be the star seller? Etsy has compiled the complete checklist for you.