The Best Daily Routine for Students: Boost Productivity and Success

Wondering how to create the best daily routine as a student but not sure where to start? You come to the right place!


best daily routine for students

Each semester, you come to school with new hope & goal.

I will do better than the last semester.

But 1 month in, you are already drowned with the classes, and never-ending assignments while trying to cope with your social life.

ehhh.. maybe  I will try harder in the next semester.

Sounds familiar?

The problem here is not you but your lack of routine as a student.

When you don’t have any routine, your life runs haphazardly every day.

This will leave you feeling anxious due to uncertainty of the events that might happen

Use a planner to help you set your daily routine as a student. My pick is this Clever Fox Planner. It is undated, which means you can start anytime and it can last you up to a year!

That is the beauty of having a daily routine as a student. It will give you a sense of comfort and more control of your day. 

Human is a creature of routine. And having a specific routine as a student will help you thrive better in school.

As Jordon Peterson famously said, Make a Damn Schedule!

Find out how to self-study, quit the bad study habits and guide to survive the most boring class (I know, I’ve been there) here!

Why do you need a daily routine as a student?

The daily routine is a set of habits that you repeatedly do every single day.

 “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” –


When you have sets of activities that you know you need to do, and you have been repeating them every single day, it’s easier for you to do them and you can enter the flow state much more effortlessly.

So, it will be less stressful and everything will be happening as it is.

No stress, no resistance whatsoever.

Flow state

sense of fluidity between your body and mind, where you are totally absorbed by and deeply focused on something, beyond the point of distraction.

Some people describe this feeling as being “in the zone.”

By having specific sets of time to do things that align with your goals and target, you will realize that you still have times to socialize and do other activities aside from your studies. 

It’s all about prioritizing and having a daily routine will help you with that.

There are a few books written on how to enter the flow state, but my favourite which I think is suitable for students is Deep Work by Cal Newport. He also has another book: How to become a straight A student and another favourite: Be so good they can’t ignore you.

The next question is, what is the best daily routine for students?

But before that, we need to know the essential step before getting started.

An essential step before building the routine

Identify the identity that you wanted

Once you are clear on what type of student you want to be (that is your identity), building the best routine will become easier

Create a system that helps form the identity that you wanted

For example, you might want to be an all-rounded student. That is the one that not only performs well in class but in other extracurricular activities

This is your new identity

Now, think what is the possible habits and routines that complement the new identity

Think as if you are already the identity that you wanted

You are what you think

We become what we think about

Earl Nightingale

So, instead of building the routine first, start with the end in mind.

Your thought pattern will dictate the behavioural outcome

Once you are clear about your identity, let’s set up the best routine for you as a student

The best routine for students

A well-planned daily routine can greatly contribute to a student’s productivity, time management, and overall well-being. While individual preferences may vary, here’s a suggested daily routine for you that can help optimize your academic performance:

Wake up early

Start your day by waking up early, allowing yourself enough time to prepare for the day ahead. Waking up early helps set a positive tone for the rest of your day.

Morning routine

Begin your day with a healthy breakfast to fuel your body and mind. Consider incorporating activities like meditation, exercise, or stretching to promote mental and physical well-being.

Organize your task

Take a few minutes to review your assignments, deadlines, and priorities for the day. Make a to-do list or use a planner to keep track of your tasks and commitments.

Focus on important subjects

Start your study sessions with the most challenging or important subjects when your mind is fresh and alert. Allocate dedicated time for each subject, allowing breaks in between to avoid burnout.

Time management techniques

Implement time management techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique (working in focused bursts with short breaks) or the Eisenhower Matrix (prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance) to enhance productivity.

Breaks and physical activity

Take regular breaks during your study sessions. Use these breaks to engage in physical activity, such as going for a short walk or stretching, to refresh your mind and improve concentration.

Healthy meals and hydration

Maintain a balanced diet throughout the day by consuming nutritious meals and snacks. Stay hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water to support your cognitive functions.

Utilize study resources

Make use of study resources such as textbooks, online materials, or educational apps to enhance your learning experience. Explore different learning methods like summarizing information, creating flashcards, or teaching concepts to solidify your understanding.

Review and revise

Allocate time in your routine for reviewing and revising previously learned material. Regular revision helps reinforce knowledge and improves long-term retention.

Evening wind-down

Dedicate some time in the evening to relax and wind down. Engage in activities you enjoy, such as reading, listening to music, spending time with family, or pursuing hobbies. Prioritize getting enough sleep to ensure adequate rest for optimal cognitive function.

Remember, while following a routine is beneficial, it’s essential to be flexible and adapt it to your specific needs and preferences. Experiment with different strategies and find what works best for you.

How to create your own daily routine as a Student

The best daily routine for students is the one that creates less friction and resistance.

1. Imitate the daily routine of the Best

This goes without saying. Imitation is the biggest form of flattery. Right now, you might be stuck not knowing what to do. 

the easy way is to follow the path of someone who already made it in life, somehow.

The Best, as I called them

But whose routine you should follow?

The easiest way is to observe and adopt the routine from someone you already know in your life.

It might be your family or friends or whoever you think has somehow made it their life, which is aligned with the identity you want to build

Observe or maybe ask directly what their daily routine looks like.

It might sound creepy to observe other people’s life. But trust me, just ask them. They are more than happy to share their input and they might even feel flattered.

Of course, everyone builds differently.

Try their routine for a couple of weeks and modify accordingly based on your existing routine and preferences. 

Tweak and improve based on your strength and weakness.

Life is all about experimenting.

What if there is no one in my life that trigger my interest to imitate them?

Worry not, this happened somehow

Especially when you are living in an environment that didn’t support your new identity.

What you can do, is go to youtube and find the daily routine of successful people.

Find the desired routine on Youtube

Nathaniel Drew, Youtuber have tried and tested a few routines from Einstein to Ben Franklin that you might find interesting to follow.

Again, it’s not that you have to follow it exactly, but it can serve as a blueprint or guideline for creating your daily routine

My favourite bits of Ben Franklin’s routine are the morning and evening questions

The morning question he asked himself: What good should I do today?

And the evening question, he asked his reflections on what good have I done today.

Having a focused goal in the morning followed by reflection as you end the day will definitely help you become more aware of your routine and does it help you move towards your goal

I have written articles on journaling and bullet journaling where you can learn how to be more clear with your goal and your thoughts. I called it, intentional planning.

2. Use a calendar to track and plan your day

Fill in the calendar with the classes you need to attend and include the date of all tests and exams.

Work and plan accordingly. You can use google calendar or just a manual planner.

Use a physical or digital planner available to plan your day. Bullet Journal is another way to keep with the tracking

Most of the time the timetable or the classes varies weekly. On certain days you will have a packed 8 AM -7 PM class but on certain days you will only have that single class weirdly starting at 3 pm.

Just come to the campus at the same time consistently every day. Even if your class starts quite later that day.

You can stay at the library to continue with your revision and do discussions with your friends. 

Staying in your room is much more comfortable but it is not a conducive environment to study.

Create a separate space to rest and study.

By being consistent, it’s easier to develop a routine. When the exam time comes, you don’t feel awkward or resist the idea of going to the library to study. It is as simple as that.

Stick to the same routine by coming to the campus at the same time each day.

The timeless classic talk on Study Less, Study Smart by Marty Lobdell also emphasizes the role of the environment when it comes to studying.

3. Have a clear goal or target.

Goals or target is important to set up the direction you are heading.

But most important is the daily habit, the system that is necessary to reach the goal you have set.

You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems

Your goal is your desired outcome. Your system is the collection of daily habits that will get you ther

James Clear

By having goals, creating a certain routine will make more sense. If the goal is to ace the exam, the routine should include a consistent effective study routine.

Practical tips to prepare the daily routine for students

The only way to create the best daily routine is to know how to manage time effectively.

  1. Do time blocking or batch your work.
  2. Use Pomodoro Timer: 25 min work with 5 min break, and continue working for 2 hours
  3. The 2 days rule: Do not leave the study routine for more than 2 days
  4. The Kanban Method: Track the progress of the revision or project by this method
  5. 5-minute rule: Even if you don’t feel like it, spend at least 5 minutes doing it.

If you want to read in detail about these time management hacks to set up routines as students, head on to this post.

Daily routine timetable for students/ Daily schedule for students

6:00 -6:30am

Wake up, Coffee, Daily Planning

6:30-7:30 am

Study (Use Pomodoro technique: 25min study + 5min break)

Prioritize difficult topics that require more understanding in the morning

8:00 am

-4:00 pm

Class in campus

Use break time in between classes for discussion or even prepare for the upcoming class

5:00 pm

Exercise, Walk in the park

6:00-7:00 pm


8:00-9:00 pm

Light reading, planning for the next day

9:30 pm


Best daily routine Of a Student at home

The same 3 steps process is applied here.

But since there is a lot more distraction at home, find ways to minimise it.

Most of the time, it’s easiest to study when most people sleep. It can be in the early morning or late at night.

once you identify the time you want to spend studying, you can build your routine around that time

Tip: If your house is always busy and noisy, try to invest in noise-cancelling headphones or have a study table privacy divider.

Example of daily routine students

  • 6 am: Wakeup, Study for 1 hour
  • 7 am: Workout/ walk/exercise
  • 8 am: Breakfast with the rest of family
  • 10 am: Study for 2 hours
  • 12 pm: Lunch
  • 2 pm: Rest/ Other activities
  • 6 pm: Dinner
  • 9 pm: Journal: Reflection on the day & Plan for tomorrow
  • Sleep

There you go, 3 simple steps to help you create the best daily routine for students.


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